
Volunteer at Live Oak International

Live Oak International would not be possible without our Volunteers

The tournament could not run as smoothly or as successfully without the hard work and dedication of volunteers. Thursday through Sunday, there are positions, duties, and responsibilities filled by those who donate their time. Volunteer applications are now open. Explore positions below.

  • Beverage Cart

    The job of beverage cart helper is to drive a golf cart around the venue to all the volunteers ensuring they have enough drinks and snacks as well as delivering lunches to various workers at the event. Duties will involve handling bags of ice, coolers, and boxes of food or supplies. Must be familiar with the show grounds to be able to help distribute food/drinks on site. Must be willing to deliver additional items as directed by the volunteer coordinators. Will be responsible for keeping other volunteers and staff fed and hydrated! Advise Volunteer coordinator when running low on supplies.


    • Not a lot of physical activity but capable of driving a golf cart and lifting bags of ice
    • Follow instructions well & works well with others
    • May involve uneven ground and in all kinds of weather
    • Must be neat & organized
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition

    Significant physical activity is not required. No training before the event is required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday - Sunday 

    Positions to be filled


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  • Cones Setters

    The job of a cones setter is to help set and fix the spacing between each of the obstacles in the driving cones test. The cones are traffic cones, not heavy, and require a tennis ball to be placed on top and spaced evenly apart. If a competitor on course knocks over a cone, it is your job to quickly replace the cones spacing and reapply the ball for the next competitor. The ball setter will be required to set for the duration of the competition. 


    • Physcially fit to move and bend down over multiple hours (4 hours max)
    • Follow instructions well on how to set and measure cones
    • Maintain force and be consistent on setting - you are ultimately setting the same fair course for competitiors
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition 

    Significant physical activity is required. Training before the event is not required.


    All Day (8:00AM-12:00PM) Sunday only 

    Positions to be filled


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  • Dressage or Class Scribe

    The job of a dressage scribe is to help write down the judges observations and findings while they are watching the dressage test as to not loose site of the competitor. The scribe will remain in the judges booth in the main arena for the duration of the competition. This is a great position for someone interested in learning more about combined driving as you will hear directly from the judges on what they are scoring. 


    • Neat handwriting
    • Follow instructions well
    • Maintain force on writing the information & numbers given by the judge and not include extra comments or question the judges ruling
    • Be able to sit for long periods of time (2-3 hours)
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the judge during competition 

    Significant physical activity is not required. No training is required.


    All Day (8:30AM-4:00PM on Thursday & 8:00AM-10:00AM on Friday)

    Positions to be filled


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  • Dressage Electronic Scribe

    The electronic scribe is helping to record the judges observations and findings while they are watching the dressage test. The scribe will remain in the judges booth in the main arena for the duration of the competition.


    • Record information given by the judge quickly & correctly. Not significant typing or computer activity but proficient.
    • Comfortable on computer
    • Follow instructions well
    • Maintain force on writing the information & numbers given by the judge and not include extra comments or question the judges ruling
    • Be able to sit for long periods of time (2-3 hours)
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the judge during competition 

    Significant physical activity is not required.  No training is required.


    All Day (8:30AM-4:00PM on Thursday & 8:00AM-10:00AM on Friday)

    Positions to be filled


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  • Dressage Score Runners

    The job of the score runner for dressage is to help collect the score sheets from each judges booth (5 booths) and bring them to the scoring office. The score runner will do this at the completion of each competitior for the duration of the competition. 


    • Follow instructions well
    • Requires a fair amount of walking
    • Be serious about the job - not a distracttion to the judge or competitiors  

    Physical activity is required. No training is required.


    All Day or Half-Day Shifts (8:30AM-4:00PM on Thursday & 8:00AM-10:00AM on Friday)

    Positions to be filled


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  • Dressage Send Up

    At the lower warm ring, responsible for sending competitiers to the upper warm ring. Please bring a chair as well as bug spray, sunscreen, anything to be comfortable outdoors.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday-Friday  

    Positions to be filled


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  • Dressage In-Gate

    The job of the dressage In-gate person is to help open and and close the dressage arena fencing before and after each competitor. The fencing is a white, plastic material, not heavy, but the person must be physically active to fix the fencing and return to their spot on the sidelines as well as able to bend over to fix the fencing. This role will be required for the duration of the competition. 


    • Physically fit to move and bend down over multiple hours (4 hours max) 
    • Follow instructions well on when to open and close the arena and etiquette for how to act around competing horses
    • Maintain force and be consistent on setting - you are ultimately setting the same fair course for competitors 
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition 

    Significant physical activity is required. Training before the event is not required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts (8:30AM-4:00PM on Thursday & 8:00AM-10:00AM on Friday) Thursday & Friday

    Positions to be filled


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  • Dressage Warm Up

    At the upper warm up arena, responsible for sending competitors to the ring when ready. Please bring a chair as well as bug spray, sunscreen, anything to be comfortable outdoors.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday-Friday  

    Positions to be filled


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  • FEI Stable Gate Entrance

    Volunteers will be at the stable gate entrance checking riders in and out on a log sheet and ensuring only personal with a wrist band enter the FEI stable area.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Friday -Sunday

    Positions to be filled


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  • Information Booth

    The job of information booth is to help spectators with questions as they arrive at the event. They will be supplied with maps for guests and must enjoy talking with strangers. 


    • Follow instructions well & works well with others
    • Must be neat & organized
    • Good sales technique with visitors
    • Be able to sit for long periods of time 

    Physical activity is not required. No additional training before the event is required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday - Sunday 

    Positions to be filled


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  • Marathon Course Timers

    The job of the marathon course timer is to watch the competition closely and keep record of timing of competitors in the marathon field. They must keep track of the next person to start or finish on the driving track. They will be required to fill out green cards and backup sheets as directed by an official for documentation. Must also be able to read the clock and perform simple math duties as directed by official. They must be able to record the times responsibly, neatly and correctly document the times.  


    • Not a lot of physical activity but capable of getting out of a chair to approach a competitor if they have questions or to get out of way in an emergency
    • Follow instructions well - learn what errors to keep an eye for and how to record them and activities of the competitors
    • May involve uneven ground and in all kinds of weather
    • Must have legible notes and documentation
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition

    Significant physical activity is not required. Training before the event is required.


    Full Day Shift (8AM-1PM) Saturday only

    Positions to be filled


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  • Marathon Crossing Guards

    The job of the marathon crossing guards is to help spectators move around the driving marathon hazards safely and aid in the simple flow of spectators. The crossing guards will stand at the entrance of each hazard and when a competitor is approaching, they will stop spectators from crossing the path to avoid collision and be non-interruptive to competitors on course. Must be physically active to control the flow of people while maintaining a positive and happy attitude to assure compliance. 


    • Physically capable of walking to change locations to view the obstacles
    • Follow instructions well
    • May involve significant walking or uneven ground in all kinds of weather
    • Cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition
    • Be serious about the job - must enjoy engaging with people 

    Significant physical activity is required. Training before the event is not required.


    Full Day Shift (8AM-1PM) on Saturday only

    Positions to be filled


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  • Marathon Electronic Scribe

    The job of the marathon electronic scribe is to record times of marathon competitors brought to them by the on field scribes and runners. This person will be perched with the announcers and play a vital behind-the-scenes role in ensuring all times are recorded correctly. 


    • Computer knowledge is required, but no significant typing or computer activity
    • Follow instructions well - learn what errors to keep an eye for and how to record them and activities of the competitors
    • Significant physical activity is not required
    • Must be able to concentrate on the required duties and record the information quickly and correctly
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition 

    Significant physical activity is not required. Training before the event is required.


    Full Day Shift (8AM-1PM) Saturday only

    Positions to be filled


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  • Marathon Observers

    The job of the marathon observer is to watch the competition closely to record of any errors of competitors or unlodging of the hazards to be safe for the next competitor.  


    • Physically capable of walking to change locations to view the obstacles
    • Follow instructions well - learn what errors to keep an eye for and how to record them and activities of the competitors
    • May involve significant walking or uneven ground in all kinds of weather
    • Must have legible notes and documentation
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition 

    Significant physical activity is not required. Training before the event is required. May require timing knowledge of a stop watch as a backup timer.


    Full Day Shift (8AM-1PM) Saturday only

    Positions to be filled


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  • Marathon Obstacle Timers

    The job of the marathon obstacle timer is to watch the competition closely and run a stopwatch to time each competitors time in the marathon hazard. They must be able to record the times responsibly, neatly and correctly document the times.  


    • Not a lot of physical activity but capable of walking to change locations for timing purposes if needed or to get out of way in an emergency
    • Follow instructions well - learn what errors to keep an eye for and how to record them and activities of the competitors
    • May involve uneven ground and in all kinds of weather
    • Must have legible notes and documentation
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition

    Significant physical activity is not required. Training before the event is required. Requires timing knowledge of a stopwatch.


    Full Day Shift (8AM-1PM) Saturday only

    Positions to be filled


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  • Marathon Score Runners

    The job of the score runner for the marathon is to help collect the score sheets from each judges booth (7 hazards) and bring them to the scorer. The score runner will do this for the duration of the competition. You may have a golf cart for the longer distances. 


    • Physically capable of walking to collect scores on foot 
    • Follow instructions well 
    • May involve signficiant walking or uneven ground in all kinds of weather
    • Be able to sit for long periods of time (2-3 hours)
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition 

    Significant physical activity is not required. Training before the event is required.


    8AM-1PM on Saturday only

    Positions to be filled


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  • Merchandise Tent

    The job of merchandise booth is to help sell the merchandise to spectators. The person must have experience working an ipad, performing simple math, and enjoying working with the public. All transactions of items purchased must be tallied in the Ipad for inventory purposes. The person must keep the booth clean and items neatly folded to attached more customers. A detailed summary of which items sold well and what customers would like to see in future years is requested. Advise Volunteer coordinator when running low on supplies.


    • Not a lot of physical activity but capable of walking around a booth and folding clothes
    • Follow instructions well & works well with others
    • May involve uneven ground and in all kinds of weather
    • Must be neat & organized
    • Good sales technique with customers

    Significant physical activity is not required. No additional training before the event is required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday - Sunday 

    Positions to be filled


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  • Marathon Vet Box

    Writing down the vitals the vets are recording on each horse. Experience with performance horses is required.


    Full Day Shift (8AM-1PM), Saturday only

    Positions to be filled


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  • Parking Attendant

    The job of the parking attendant is to assist in managing the parking and traffic operations within the LOI property. You will assist guests in their vehicles to find parking spots safely and orderly. This is a vital role in the team as finding a good parking spot quickly and efficiently is not only a safety hazard but it is also someone's first impression on an event and will be a vital decision if their choose to return again or not. You must be physically active to walk around the parking lots while maintaining a positive and happy attitude to assure compliance. 


    • Physically capable of walking to change locations
    • Follow instructions well & work well in a team
    • May involve significant walking on uneven ground in all kinds of weather
    • Must enjoy engaging with people
    • Be serious about the job
    • Knowledge of how to use a radio

    Significant physical activity is required. Training before the event is not required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday - Sunday 

    Positions to be filled


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  • Shuttle Drivers

    The job of shuttle cart driver is to drive a golf cart around the venue to transport guests and handicapped individuals to the various drop off locations. The locations run between the parking lots, a few drop locations around the venue and a shuttle which drives competitors to the stables area. Will be responsible for making sure keys are returned at the end of the shift to the volunteer coordinator and advising if the cart is low on fuel.  


    • Not a lot of physical activity but capable of driving a golf cart
    • Follow instructions well & works well with others
    • May involve uneven ground and in all kinds of weather
    • Must be neat & organized
    • Enjoy talking with people (you are the first person they see at the event and last so making sure people remain positive and happy!
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition

    Significant physical activity is not required. Golf cart training before the event is required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday - Sunday 

    Positions to be filled


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  • Stable Gate Entrance

    Volunteer will be at the entrance of the barn parking by the road. Responsible for checking parking passes for entry into the stabling area. Please bring a chair as well as bug spray, sunscreen, anything to be comfortable outdoors.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday -Sunday  

    Positions to be filled


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  • Ticketing

    The job of Ticketing booth is to help spectators check-in when they arrive at the event. The person should be friendly, outgoing, and enjoy working with the public. You must have knowledge of working with an Ipad (online-tickets) and performing simple math (cash purchased tickets). The majority of tickets were purchased in advance and are online tickets and people need help downloading and scanning them correctly. 


    • Physically activity; be able to stand for long periods of time
    • Follow instructions well & works well with others
    • Must be neat & organized
    • Enjoy talking with people (you are the first person they see at the event and last so making sure people remain positive and happy! )
    • Good sales technique with visitors

    Physical activity is required. No additional training before the event is required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday - Sunday 

    Positions to be filled


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  • Volunteer Tent

    The job of volunteer tent helper is to help oversee the volunteers headquarters where all volunteers meet to start/end their shifts, pick up food/snack/drinks, pick up supplies and answer questions. Duties will involve handling bags of ice, coolers, and boxes of food or supplies. Must be familiar with the show grounds to be able to help distribute food/drinks to any hospitality location on site. Must be willing to deliver additional items as directed by the volunteer coordinators. Will be responsible for serving lunch to volunteers and keeping volunteer tent stocked with cold drinks, coffee and snacks. Advise Volunteer coordinator when running low on supplies.


    • Not a lot of physical activity but capable of driving a golf cart and lifting bags of ice
    • Follow instructions well & works well with others
    • May involve uneven ground and in all kinds of weather
    • Must be neat & organized
    • Be serious about the job - cannot distract the competitors or horses during competition

    Significant physical activity is not required. No training before the event is required.


    All Day or Half Day Shifts, Thursday - Sunday 

    Positions to be filled


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